Last updated on April 26th, 2024 at 04:06 pm
My first attempt at publishing a documentary, Toastmaster Fest 1.0, turned out to be eye-opening, invigorating, worthwhile, and successful. Yes, we often say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Then I could remark, “A video is worth a thousand memories.”

The Distinguished Toastmaster's Journey
I decided to capture a thousand memories in the minds of my fellow Toastmasters in Ghana. This choice to publish a documentary was motivated by one of the requirements a Toastmaster must fulfil to clinch the coveted award of Distinguished Toastmaster from Toastmasters International.
The Distinguished Toastmaster (DTM) award represents the highest level of educational achievement in Toastmasters.
To earn the DTM, you are required to:
- Complete two learning paths.
- Serve as a club officer for two six–month terms or one annual term, participate in the preparation of a Club Success Plan, and participate in a District-sponsored Club Officer Training.
- Serve a complete one-year term as a District leader.
- Serve successfully as a club mentor or coach.
- Serve successfully as a club sponsor or conduct a Speechcraft or Youth Leadership program.
- Complete the DTM project. Members are required to create and implement a project of their own design, in which they demonstrate the skills and expertise they have gained.

What do I do?
I contemplated embarking on different projects to fulfil requirement number six. I felt motivated to do a project that would benefit the Toastmasters community. I noticed that all of the Distinguished Toastmasters in Ghana before me had embarked on a Distinguished Toastmasters Project that benefited society. And that is the core of leadership: promoting the growth of the people. I couldn’t have done differently, especially given all the benefits that I’ve gotten from Toastmasters.
It all began in Toastmasters
In 2021, I assisted with the Vice President Public Relations role at Busy Speakers Toastmasters Club. That was when I began learning about graphic design since I had to design flyers to announce club meetings.
Then in 2022, I started blogging as an elective project in Level 4 of my Persuasive Influence Pathway. That blogging project was the birth of my blog site, Peter’s Box.
Then, in mid-2023, I added a vlog element to Peter’s Box.

The Vlogging Journey
I acquired a Sony Alpha ZV-E10 mirrorless camera, which is considered to be an entry-level camera for content creators. Despite the fact that it was an entirely novel hobby for me, I wanted to do it with that professional cachet, like a videographer. I upgraded with some camera accessories. I got a tripod, a shotgun microphone, a beauty dish, and a key light.
I published about four interviews on my YouTube channel, Peter’s Box.
Toastmaster Fest is born
Then it dawned on me: What project would give me the opportunity to improve my filming skills? Why not interview my fellow Toastmasters about their public speaking and leadership experiences? When I took my annual work leave from October 16th to November 16th, 2023, I carried out over 50 interviews.
I felt like a salesman, calling my prospects to schedule an interview. Having persuaded them to share their stories with the world, I felt accomplished at the end of every interview.

Some days, I would conduct more than four interviews in a row. Scurrying from one location to another. It was exhilarating, and I was eagerly looking forward to the next interview. Oh, boy! Don’t get it twisted: videographers, photographers, filmmakers, and vloggers deserve a high amount of appreciation for their work! I experienced this personally.
You need to be willing to exercise a lot of gumption in this craft of videography and photography. Learning about how light interacts with objects, compositions, camera settings, etc. Carrying your equipment around is no joke. Let me not even talk about editing.
Killing 3 birds with 1 stone
I was also happy to undertake a documentary project since it would kill three birds with one stone.
- Fulfil a requirement for my Distinguished Toastmasters Award.
- Tell the story of Toastmasters in Ghana.
- Improve my videography skills.

Let's watch Toastmaster Fest 1.0
Now is the time for you to watch the documentary Toastmaster Fest 1.0.
Please leave a comment when you watch the documentary. If you are a videographer, I would appreciate some technical advice as well.
Cheers to me and my production team!!!
And this certainly would not be the last documentary. There would be Toastmaster Fest 2.0, 3.0, 4.0 ad infinitum.
What’s next in Peter’s Box? ¡Hasta luego amigos!