Is the sky blue? Discover the fascinating workings of nature in my previous post, “Why is the sky blue?“
In today’s post, I tell the story of Logan, a fictional city, and why its men don’t weep. Enjoy this brief poem, which was sparked by a picture I saw on social media. Once you’ve finished reading, observe the image, carve out a poem, and post it in the comments section.
Man was created for woman
Not woman for man
Why do the sages say
The road to a woman’s heart is not travelled by day
Leave those who err on this road
To hold on to the chains that rowed
The chariots on into the celestial city
Oh ye men of Logan you have but one duty
Think not twice when you love a woman
For we all saw what befell the son of Logan
Who loved with his mind but not his heart
And when he loved with his heart his mind was apart
On his way to the celestial city he died twice
First with his mind and then with his eyes
And this is why women beat their breast when they cry
And the men of Logan harken to the roads in the night
Outside the city the hearts of men crawl
And the chains row in the night in search of them all
The road to a woman’s heart is not travelled by day
The road to a man’s heart is where the eyes lay
They are one and the same he who loves before thinking
And he who thinks before loving
Think not twice when you love in the city
Oh ye men of Logan you have but one duty

What’s next in Peter’s Box? ¡Hasta luego amigos!
Amazing write-up you have got there! I must commend how this has been carefully crafted and put together 👏👏.
Here are a few things I picked from this beautiful piece:
1. Love should be a balance between the heart and mind. If you only love with your mind, you may miss out on the emotional connection that comes with loving with your heart.
2. Women should be valued and respected as equals to men. They were not created solely for the purpose of serving men.
3. The road to a woman’s heart is not easy and requires patience, understanding, and empathy.
4. Men should not hesitate or overthink when it comes to expressing their love for a woman. They should follow their hearts and act on their feelings.
5. Love can be a powerful force that can lead to both joy and pain. Men should be aware of the risks and be prepared to face the consequences of their actions.
Absolutely amazing read. Kudos👏👏 Keep writing and never put your pen down!
Hello Jaclyn! Your review is spot on and very detailed! It’s no surprise that you are an award-winning author! Thanks for the encouragement. My pen will always be in my hand.