mud coast - a poem about Galamsey - illegal mining - by Peter Dankwa - blog post - Peters Box


Help! Help!

A course of a river for a bucket of gold

A bucket of gold for a pit of earth

A pit of earth for the lives of the children

The lives of the children for the stomach of the leaders

Help! Help!

We sow grain and thresh cyanide

We pluck fruit and suck petrol

We harvest the bodies of our youth with shovels and excavators

Which they dug into the earth for their daily bread

mud coast - stanza 2

Help! Help!

My feet are planted where the trees are uprooted

My hands swim in darkness and sink in wetness

Where the fathers rested on gold, milk and honey

The children wander on pits and wooden bodies

mud coast - stanza 3

Help! Help!

The gold coast is now a mud coast

The land is bald

The waters are thirsty

The fathers exported gold to China

The children import water from China

The chiefs ate from plates of gold

The subjects lick from cups of mud

Watch how they dam the course of nature

To strip the land bare ahead

While below the townspeople drown

First in the lost river

And second in the jigging of machines

mud coast - stanza 9

Hello world

Welcome to Mud Coast

Yes, the same Gold Coast of old

Don’t expect to see gold or diamonds

But surely look out for mud and sludge

Else the pits will look out for you

mud coast - stanza 6

The leaders champed away the national cake

They scraped the icing

While the people scrambled for the crumbs

With shovels and buckets

From Oti to Volta

They painted the greens brown

From Sisii to Ankobra

As the world watched on

From sunrise to sunset

Till Ghana was no more

mud coast - stanza 8

Gather them and sell


Gather the land and sell the gold


mud coast - stanza 9

Gather them and sell


Gather the youth and sell their future


Play Video about mud coast cover photo
Play Video about MUD COAST - COMING SOON-Cover

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