blogging nuggets from a pro - blog post - Peter's Box


In my previous post, I talked about Putogo’s splendid performance at Everything Is Funny, his debut comedy special. To appreciate this brilliant and gifted Ghanaian comedian, read my review of Everything Is Funny by Putogo.

In today’s post, I’m honoured to have a professional blogger with years of expertise share some blogging nuggets with me. His name is Ryan Biddulph. Ryan mostly shares blogging advice and views on his blog, Blogging From Paradise. The following is an excerpt from a recent chat we had.

Peter: Which year did you start blogging?

Ryan: 2008.

Peter: What motivated you to start blogging?

Ryan: I wanted to choose a life of fun and freedom, and blogging seemed like the logical answer to me. Before blogging, I worked long, hard hours at a shipping terminal. I was tired of trading 12- to 18-hour days for a paycheck, so I did some research about online businesses and came across blogging. The branding and business potential of blogging drew me to it.

homepage of blogging from paradise

Blogging Topics

Peter: Interesting. How did you determine the blogging niche you would focus on? Did you struggle to find topics to blog about?

Ryan: I found it quickly because I wanted to make money online and teach bloggers to do the same. However, that was my first blog in 2008. Choosing my blogging niche for Blogging From Paradise in 2014 was also easy because I had experience and passion for the blogging tips niche, along with a clear reader demand. I knew that many travel bloggers struggled to go full-time; most worked full-time jobs to fund their travels. I also knew that many bloggers desired simple, practical blogging tips to succeed. Combining my passion and experience with a clear reader demand helped me dial in on the blogging tips niche.

macbook screen displaying a wordpress dashboard, with a notebook on the left and a phone and a cup of coffee on the right

First blogpost review

Peter: For the record, what was the title of your first blog post?

Ryan: I have deleted my first one multiple times, so I have no idea. The first post on Blogging From Paradise at the moment was published like 5 years ago, so it would not be accurate.

Peter: This is the first time I am hearing a blogger delete old posts! Why would you do that?! Was the post not good enough for the future?

Ryan: The old posts were not representative of my current blog and brand; low-quality posts needed to go.

Peter: Interesting. If you were to go back to the very first day you designed your site and published your first post, what three things would you have done differently on your blog with the experience you have now garnered?

Ryan: Nothing, Peter, and here is the reason why, even if it appears to confuse most readers. Every step brought me perfectly to where I am right now, speaking with you. The errors, mistakes, and screw-ups during my first post, 15 years ago, were a necessary step that I never would change because when you look back in time, you cannot look forward in promise and hope. The blogging past is a ghost fuelled by the illusion of regret. I let it go because I cannot change it.

Peter: I understand. I also enjoy my experience and learn from it. It adds up to my expertise, I guess.

Ryan: I do understand that this is an unpopular answer, LOL, but the life I live is also quite unlike the mainstream, even though most people dream about circling the globe nonstop. Live differently than most by thinking differently than most. That’s my mantra.

Peter: Very true. Individuality is the spice of blogging.

Ryan: Yes indeed!

Blogging Mentors

Peter: I will be one year into my blogging journey on July 9. Who are some bloggers you look up to?

Ryan: Darren Rowse at ProBlogger, Adam Connell at Blogging Wizard, Donna Merrill at Donna Merrill Tribe, and Lisa Sicard at Inspire to Thrive are blogging veterans I’ve learned from over the past 10–15 years.

Peter: Thanks for sharing.

Ryan: Sure! Thanks for asking me, Peter.

Dollar notes spread in a fan shape in the hand

Is blogging lucrative?

Peter: On the income-generation bit of blogging, it is quite a broad and difficult process for newbies to comprehend. What are the different channels for generating income through blogging apart from the popular Google Adsense and Adsterra advertising channels? Also, is revenue generation through Adsense real? How does it work?

Ryan: Most beginner bloggers struggle to understand the income-generating process because few know that detailed, free, long-form blog posts targeted to reach a specific reader are real moneymakers. People buy or hire based on your dazzling, thorough content, not on the income channel alone. Also, few beginners understand that building a loyal blogger friend network by serving other bloggers and asking for nothing to earn their trust is a powerful way to gain exposure and make money.

For example, I set aside time to write and complete these questions for you and your community with no expectations. Yet you and some of your readers will likely visit my blog. Some may buy my blogging courses and blogging eBooks. But since I had no expectations, simply helping you and collaborating is the reward. Collaborate with enough bloggers, and the money is pretty much guaranteed.

Doodle character sitting on a stack of gold coins with a laptop on his lap and thinking about money

How to monetize your blog

Ryan: Other than Google Adsense and other advertising channels, bloggers earn income through:
creating and selling courses
writing and selling eBooks
selling sponsored content

Among other channels, Google Adsense is a real, legitimate way to make money, but for most clicks, it pays pennies.

Peter: Well noted.

Ryan: This means that almost all bloggers make pennies or no money at all from Adsense until they begin to get 10,000 to 20,000 to 50,000 highly targeted visitors daily. Adsense is real, but most bloggers are deluded, meaning that they believe in the pipe dream that one can earn thousands of dollars on a penny-per-click income stream with almost no blog traffic, and untargeted traffic at that. The best approach is to create your products and services to earn greater amounts of money.

wooden blocks spelling SEO

Maintaining SEO skills

Peter: What do you have to say about SEO? It is the talk of the town, and new bloggers are pestered with requests from so-called SEO experts. SEO, as I know, is not a one-day establishment. It is a continuous process. How do you improve or maintain your SEO skills as a professional blogger like yourself? Do you periodically review your site?

Ryan: SEO is a long-term process, not a quick fix. Publish detailed, targeted, long-form content to optimize posts effectively for Google. More importantly, though, build a tribe of human beings who support your blog independently of Google because it’ll be a while before your posts rank on page 1. Review your blog every 3–6 months to update old posts with fresh content and delete dated content. Updating old posts is one way to increase search traffic because the Google algorithm prefers timely content.

ryan biddulph sharing post in a facebook group
ryan biddulph sharing post in a linkedin group

Active blogging

Peter: Thank you, Ryan. Speaking of blog supporters, I see you are very active on Facebook and LinkedIn. You are so consistent and regular. Isn’t it tiring, and what are the benefits of your consistency?

Ryan: I love blogging, so the work is energizing and peaceful, not tiring. My consistency helps me stand out from most bloggers who quit social media or do not bother starting in the first place. My mentality is this: why turn your back on 4.9 billion human beings?

Peter: That’s a refreshing thought. What is your favourite post on your blog, and why?

Ryan: Probably one of the few that has nothing to do with blogging tips is 27 Wild Travel Stories. Writing this one was a lot of fun.

27 crazy travel stories on blogging from paradise

Human vs. AI creativty

Peter: I bet it was. Travelling around the world is among the top five things most people want to achieve in their lifetime. Lastly, there has been a rise in AI-powered services, which have found their way into the blogging industry. Bloggers are enthused about relying heavily on AI to produce content. Is that a good thing? Is AI creativity better than human creativity?

Ryan: Only lazy bloggers who want something for nothing are enthused about using AI to do all the work for them. Being a 15-year blogging veteran, I have seen greed and desperation arise during these cycles many times. Today it is AI; 10 years ago it was bots; and 5 years ago it was the magical tool to do all the work for you. Here’s what will happen: these deluded bloggers will come in and go out like the tide because fear, greed, and desperation scare them into making foolish decisions that predicate their failure.

robot holding a tablet

Travel Bloggers

Peter: Exactly! AI should be utilized as a tool, not as a substitute in its entirety. I believe in the transcendent creative power of the mind. Meeting you, Ryan, has been an honour and a joy. We appreciate you providing the blogging community with all of your advice and sharing it frequently. If I get the chance to visit you, maybe we will do some touring in the near future. 

Ryan: I would love to meet up for sure! You are doing great work on your blog. Keep it up!

Peter: It’s been insightful chatting with an experienced blogger like you. I already feel like I am chatting from paradise (wink). All the best in your endeavours! Kindly drop your social media handles for those who would like to check out your work.

ryan biddulph social media handles - Peter's Box

What’s next in Peter’s Box? ¡Hasta luego amigos! 


  1. Hi Peter and Ryan.
    I’ve also learned from Ryan – he once said to write at least 500 words per day. Then slowly increase it. That always stuck with me.
    Thank you for the mention.

    1. Hi Lisa, it’s nice to have you drop a nugget as well. I’ll try to incorporate it going forward. Could you share your most memorable blogging incident?

  2. This is all very interesting. Personally, I would really like to make a full-time income from blogging, but there is so much mixed advice out there about whether that’s possible or just a pipe dream. You have given me some clarification. thank you

    1. Christine, it’s not a pipe dream. The reality is that it takes consistency to build the full-time income generator. You can read this post by Ryan to learn about practical ways to make blogging income.

      I shared some avenues one can use to earn blogging income in my post titled 10 KILLER BLOGGING MISTAKES BEGINNERS MAKE (
      Your income is proportional to the value you deliver to your readers. Spend more time adding value, and the money will come. There are several ways to monetize a blog. Here are a few popular approaches to consider:

      Advertising: One common way to monetize your site is by displaying adverts. Advertising networks such as Google AdSense,, Adsterra, and AdThrive can be used to insert contextual or banner advertising on your website. You may also sell advertising space to advertisers directly.

      Affiliate marketing: Promote goods or services that are associated with the subject matter of your blog, and you’ll be paid a fee for each sale or lead that results from your recommendation. Join affiliate networks like ShareASale, Commission Junction, or Amazon Associates to find related products to advertise.

      Sponsored posts and reviews: Collaborate with brands or businesses in your niche to publish sponsored content or reviews. They will compensate you for promoting their products, services, or content on your site. Keep things transparent and tell your audience when you’re using sponsored material.

      Digital products: Create and sell digital items related to the content of your blog, such as e-books, online courses, templates, or stock photos. Use platforms like Gumroad or Teachable to host and sell your digital items.

      Physical products: If your blog focuses on a specific niche, consider selling physical products related to that niche. Your target audience may be interested in purchasing merchandise, personalised products, or niche-specific stuff.

      Membership or subscription: In exchange for a monthly or yearly membership charge, provide your audience with premium information, unique tools, or an exclusive community. Membership programmes may be set up using platforms such as Patreon or WordPress plugins such as MemberPress.

      Sponsored social media posts: You may work with businesses to generate sponsored posts or social media campaigns if you have a strong social media presence. In exchange for remuneration, you may share their content, promote their goods, or give shoutouts.

      Consulting or coaching: Offer coaching or consultation sessions to your readers if you are an authority in the subject matter of your blog. You can charge a fee for your time and knowledge if you provide one-on-one sessions, group coaching, or courses.

      Events and webinars: Organise and host events, conferences, seminars, or webinars around the theme of your blog. You can charge a registration fee or seek sponsorship from relevant companies.

      Donations or crowdfunding: If your audience considers your work valuable, you may solicit voluntary donations or launch a crowdfunding campaign on platforms such as Patreon, Ko-fi, or GoFundMe.

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